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Incredibly powerful protection and peace of mind solutions for personal and business users.


Whether you are an organisation with requirements to mange multiple users or just someone who runs a business from home, or even an end user who needs the best protection out there, Bright Future Computers partnered with AVG can help.

As the picture says, ‘Why Complicate?’
You can have any or all of the systems listed below. Completely tailored to your requirements.

Here’s what AVG can do for you.

Click the AVG logo to ind out more

AVG Cloudcare

Class leading antivirus and content filtering solutions.
Powerful enough to protect against all current internet threats.
Updated every few hours, you are always on top of security.

AVG Antispam

Stop it before it gets to your inbox. That includes emails with viruses attached. Those invoices for things you never ordered? HMRC Tax refunds? Stop them all before they can do harm.

Paires with AVG Cloudcare, it's about the best security you can get.

AVG Online backup

Automatic, reliable, offsite, limitless.
You're only as good as your last backup.
You're meant to take them offsite. If they run overnight, you can't do that until the next day.
AVG Online backup does everything for you. Sit back, relax and know you're safe with a true historic and offsite automated backup.

There are different payment options. You can pay Monthly with no annual contract, or you can pay annually, saving money if you do.
Monthly, you can pay per user. Annually, we tailor a package t o suit the number of users that you require.
This applies for all AVG Cloudcare products.

The Cloudcare dashboard page.
This page gives you a quick overview of your cloudcare services which are in use. Tabs across the top egde take you to detailed views of every aspect of your protection.
You control what happens.

You control what is protected.

Call us today on 01527 832120 to find out how we can help you.

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